Orientation and Volunteer Terms: All SingStrong Volunteers Must Read and Agree to these Terms
Thank You!
We know you have a busy schedule and we are very grateful that you’ve decided to donate your time, energy and talent to SingStrong! We NEED you! Thank you so much! Please read the entire packet carefully as it contains important instructions, information, legal and other materials. It was last updated on October 26, 2022.
SingStrong is a weekend-long, charity a cappella music festival. SingStrong DC began in 2009. SingStrong Chicago began in 2013. SingStrong New York began in 2016. And our SingStrongX Program began in 2016. Our proceeds go to support music programs and the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. Over the years, our performers have come from all over the world (US, Austria, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Venezuela, Taiwan and beyond). Our goal is to further the arts and especially a cappella music, all while raising money for these important causes. SingStrong is a Public Charity.
Be Warm and Courteous To Everyone!
This is a very, very big deal: YOU are the face of SingStrong! Your non-stop positive energy turns this event from a concert to a community. Leave a lasting impression of kindness on every person you interact with this weekend. Smile at friends and strangers. Make eye contact. Use respectful language. Ask if you can help. Ask how it's going. The kindness and warmth that comes from you will leave a stronger, more lasting impression than an entire concert of beautifully sung music!
Protect Your Emotional Health
You may interact with people who are upset, irritable or even pushy. Sometimes they have good reason. Sometimes not. Relax. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY TO YOU, don’t get caught up in their emotional state. Just remain calm and polite. Let them peaceably vent, and after they are done, just say, as calmly as you can, “Your issue sounds very important. I want to make sure you speak to the right person about this.” Then usher the person to someone higher up the chain of command. In other words, let your supervisor deal with it. (Make sure you know who your supervisor is. If you aren't sure, ask at the information desk or ask a producer.) If you ever feel threatened, uncomfortable or frightened, get out of the situation immediately and seek a supervisor.
Protect Your Physical Health
Nothing is more important than your health! Volunteering involves physical activity. Get your doctor’s and parents’ approval before doing potentially physically demanding activities, like SingStrong. If you have any concerns, or physical restrictions, let a supervisor know before engaging in physical activities. Never lift anything without assistance. Never lift an object which you even suspect might be too heavy for you. Never lift anything without loose fitting or stretchy clothes that you cannot trip over and cannot get caught in or on other objects, and sneakers or other protective, closed toed shoes with good grips. Always judge for yourself whether a situation presents any danger. In and around the stage area, it may be pitch-black, and there may be items, electrical, sound or lighting cords, or wires strewn about on the ground or jutting out, so please be careful! If you feel dizzy or feint, alert SingStrong staff immediately and cease any physical activity.
Protect the Physical Health of Others
The world changed in 2020 with the pandemic. As we have gotten used to a "new normal", We are doing our best to manage the safety of all attendees while still respecting each person's personal choices regarding risk-taking. Some of us are immunocompromised. Some have immunocompromised or unvaccinated family members at home. We all manage risks in our own way. At an a cappella festival filled with singing, beatboxing and projected speaking, those risks are likely increased.
Please understand that you are not simply an individual making personal decisions when you volunteer at SingStrong. You are a representative of a charity. First and foremost, you agree to follow whatever safety protocols SingStrong puts into effect at the time of the festival. We outline what we expect them to be in this agreement, but we also reserve the right to change them as facts change. Government guidance, regulations at our host site, and new variants are just some of the factors we will keep monitoring.
If anyone asks you to put on a mask, you agree to cheerfully put it on for the duration of your interaction with them.
You also agree to keep your mask fully over your nose and mouth at such times and in any area designated as "mask mandatory", either by sign or by SingStrong Producer.
We will ALWAYS meet the health requirements established by governing bodies as well as the requirements of our venue space. In addition, we will take into account recommended but not mandated protocols. Our general plan is to require masking in some areas, but not others, though we do strongly recommend masking with an N95, KN95 or KF94 or equivalent, or better, at all times for all persons. A class, concert or coaching might be designated mask-mandatory or mask-optional. This allows people to control a key element of their own risk-taking during much of their attendance. For those who only want a mask-on experience, they can have it. For those that don't want that all day long, they have options too. And all concerts will require masking for volunteers and the audience, but it will be optional for performers or emcees while on stage. This approach emulates what Broadway and Carnegie Hall are doing, and we think it's a fair balance. We also RECOMMEND that every SingStrong Volunteer or staff member be double-vaccinated and fully boosted, to the fullest extent permitted for the age and location of the person.
We currently intend to require each person to provide proof of a negative rapid test, taken within one hour PRIOR TO entering on each day, and also before attending each afterglow.
We require that all attendees be symptom-free, even if they test negative.
We plan to spot-check test results and vaccination status. (It's like being selected for a pat down at the airport, just without the pat down part).
We will also provide air purification enhancements. And we'll encourage and assist in good hand hygiene. Below you will find specific terms.
If you feel sick or show signs of infection, you cannot attend or volunteer at the festival or enter the festival site, EVEN IF YOU OBTAIN A NEGATIVE RAPID TEST. Simply call or email any SingStrong managing personnel or producer. Because individuals often feel symptoms or show signs of COVID-19 before testing positive, SingStrong prohibits anyone with cold, flu or allergy symptoms which are in any way similar to COVID-19 signs or symptoms from attending the festival. We also prohibit anyone experiencing any sign or symptom of any other contagious disease from attending. To avoid any doubt, if you are experiencing ANY of the following symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious disease, you agree not to attend the festival or enter the festival site:
Nothing in this section shall prevent the attendance of any individual whose specific and unchanged symptoms or signs are diagnosed by a doctor as being non-contagious at the time of entering the event site.
Each volunteer shall maintain their own safety plan for safely isolating AT THEIR OWN COST off-site and NOT in a shared volunteer room, in the event of a positive test result or symptoms/signs of contagious infection. all individuals who MIGHT test positive on a rapid test or are otherwise identified as COVID-positive, (or otherwise have a transmissible disease). You agree to provide necessary room or transportation at your own cost and with any needed adult supervision, transportation and care to monitor and care for yourself if, due to ANY REASON including infection, you must be off site. For the safety of all attendees, SingStrong won't allow anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or other contagious diseases, or who displays signs or symptoms of infection, to enter the festival site or to remain at the festival site.
Each SingStrong volunteer or staff must show a 100% negative result on a CDC-approved Rapid Test taken no more than ONE hour prior to entering SingStrong festival area EACH DAY of festival attendance and again no more than one hour before attending any AFTERGLOW.
For avoidance of doubt, each volunteer or staff attending the Friday set-up at noon would test no earlier than 11AM. If that same person also attended the afterglow that night at 11:30PM, they would each test again, no earlier than 10:30PM. If that same group set-up Saturday at 7AM, each member would test again no earlier than 6AM. And if they attended the Saturday night AFTERGLOW at 11:30PM, they would each test again, no earlier than 10:30PM. If that same person returned for set-up at 9AM Sunday, each member would test again no earlier than 8AM on Sunday. Any attendee planning to attend all those events would test 5 times.
Why do we require so many rapid tests?
Because rapid tests are good at revealing present positivity, but can't predict the future. Current variants of the coronavirus can progress from negative test result to contagious at an extremely fast rate.
Most persons have access to free or low-cost tests through government programs, drugstore programs, work or school. For any volunteer or staff member who finds obtaining tests to be a financial burden, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible and we will make accommodations for you to obtain free or low-cost tests.
Volunteers MUST supply all necessary rapid antigen tests at their own cost. Tests are not provided by SingStrong or the event site. Rapid tests may be available at local drugstores, however, both supply and demand can change very quickly so that availability is not guaranteed. You agree to stockpile the necessary number of tests in advance so that you have the tests you need to attend your desired events.
Volunteers and staff will take a photo of ALL their test results with the photo showing the name of the person tested and the date and time of the results. The volunteer or staff shall provide SingStrong access to review these photos on request and shall keep the digital photos on their person at all times for review by any SingStrong Producer or their assigns.
You agree that SingStrong is not subject to HIPAA. Further you agree that if any court or arbitrator finds that SingStrong is subject to HIPAA for any purpose, or that SingStrong is otherwise required to obtain your permission for its use of your personally identifiable information and/or medical information, you do hereby knowingly give your approval for SingStrong to review and retain any medical information or other personally identifying information which you provide to us or allow to be provided to us by others, for the limited purposes of 1) assisting SingStrong in mitigating medical risks at the festival; 2) allowing SingStrong to administrate the festival; 3) facilitating communications with you regarding SingStrong or a cappella-related events. You agree to the data protections afforded by standard email protocols in the sending of emails at the time of sending, or filling out of digital forms, and you agree to the data protections of texts or SMS protocols in the sending of texts or SMS messages, as applicable. If at any time, you are uncomfortable with any data protection offered, you may request an alternative method of communication or data storage and one will be provided. You may also request the deletion of your records at any time following the festival and SingStrong shall attempt to comply to the degree of its control over its digital and other storage.
The intended masking protocols are as follows, but SingStrong will set policy regarding masking based on all available safety information at festival time.
CONCERTS AUDIENCE: Masks will be mandatory for attendees in the audience at concerts, including volunteers and staff.
CONCERTS ON STAGE: Masks will be optional for performers on stage at concerts.
CONCERTS BACKSTAGE: Masks will be mandatory for all staff and volunteers in common areas backstage or in wings at concerts, with the exception of performers about to go on stage.
PRIVATE DRESSING ROOMS: Masks will be optional for all persons in their own private dressing rooms.
SHARED DRESSING ROOMS: Masks will be mandatory in shared dressing rooms unless no person in the room objects to mask-optional.
CLASSES, COACHINGS IF NOTED MASK MANDATORY: Masks will be mandatory for ALL at SOME classes and SOME coachings (where requested by presenter).
CLASSES, COACHINGS IF NOTED MASK OPTIONAL: Masks will be optional at SOME classes and coachings.
AFTERGLOWS: Masks will be optional since there will be eating and drinking.
You Must Read and Agree to All the TERMS as if you were a PAID attendee
You MUST read and agree to all the terms of this agreement AND all terms posted at this link on the day you begin volunteering: http://newyork.singstrong.org/terms-ticketing-tos-privacy.html
These terms apply to you and your behavior at the festival. They are are also useful to you so you know how to advise attendees who may have questions. If there is any conflict between terms or interpretation, the terms most advantageous to SingStrong shall control, as solely determined by SingStrong Inc.
You’re here to help! That means offering assistance wherever you can. But you will also have specific duties which are your primary assignment. Once you have finished with those duties, then let us know that you are available to help. And if you ever need help with anything, just ask!
You will also be a source of information for hundreds of attendees. So please make sure you can provide:
To keep you safe, we require you to wear clothes mentioned under “Protect Your Body”. You may even wish to bring gloves to better protect your hands if they are sensitive. Dress, when not doing physical activity, is casual, but professional. Keep in mind that this is a family event, keep it rated-G, and use your best judgment. Jeans and a nice top or even a SingStrong T-Shirt or Sweatshirt are appropriate choices. Please do not push the boundaries of taste with the tightness or skimpiness of an outfit. Please also avoid "outside" messages in support of, or opposing other causes, even worthy ones. It's important to keep people focused on SingStrong.
Please ask us if we have FREE "Team SingStrong" Volunteer shirts for you. Please ask if we have a volunteer name tag or badge for you. If we have these, please always wear them when interacting with the public. That way people know that you're on the team!
Report Fire, Police or Medical Emergencies FIRST by CALLING 911; then report the incident as soon as possible to a SingStrong supervisor.
Who Goes Where?
All Performing Artists, Competitors, VIPs and Volunteers must be greeted with a smile and guided to check-in at Registration.
Only Performers (and their assistants), working Volunteers, and Producers are allowed backstage. Fans must be gently and respectfully denied access to this area.
Ticket System
Please familiarize yourself with how the ticket system works at your festival. Where can tickets be purchased? Where can they be picked up? Where do performers get passes? Usually, Will-Call/Box Office has all pre-purchased tickets for the general public. And SOMETIMES Artists, VIPs, ACA-Idol and HS Competitors may go to a separate area to pick-up their tickets. But please make sure you know the answer for your festival.
One thing to remember: Even sold-out shows have people who do not show up, so please tell people to arrive early for a chance to purchase tickets, even to to Sold-Out events.
Yes! We DO accept donations, and we do work with sponsors. Donations via check can be made out to SingStrong Inc. If someone shows interest, please get that person's name and contact information and give it to a producer, or just bring that person to a producer. SingStrong Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) Public Charity and a New York-based not-for -profit corporation.
Social Media
If you post or share, you agree to follow our 3 rules for all Social Media:
100% true means be completely sure that what you post is completely accurate.
100% positive means that we're asking you to help lift UP all the singers, groups, volunteers, teachers and attendees. Don't take it on yourself to be critical. Share that privately with a supervisor or producer.
100% yours means don't post or share anything that isn't yours, or for which you don't have permission.
Important Legal Rights
By volunteering, and by accepting any benefits such as access to the event, publicity, food, clothing, merchandise or otherwise, which all parties agree is of value, all participants and volunteers agree that:
All volunteers will abide by the instructions they receive from SingStrong supervisory personnel and the supervisory personnel of the host school.
SingStrong may use the name, life story, and likeness of any volunteer or participant or other supporting persons to promote a cappella generally, to promote a cappella or charity events, or to promote SingStrong Inc. or any of our concerts, programs, materials, partners or affiliates.
SingStrong or its assigns may record you or anyone we reasonably believe you represent (such as a child, fellow group member, etc., unless you tell us otherwise in writing) in analog or digital video, photography, audio or by any other means, for archival, promotional, or commercial distribution or performance purposes, whether digital or analog, whereby all proceeds, if any, shall be paid to producer, producer's affiliate, assign or partner or a not-for-profit organization.
You agree to and accept all TERMS posted on our website just as if you had purchased a ticket to attend SingStrong and agreed to all the terms of doing so. If there is any conflict between the terms of the website and the terms you are reading now, the ones that are most favorable to SingStrong and most restrictive to you are the ones that control.
You agree that you have read, understood and agreed to the Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form.
In exchange for some discounted or free access to one or more of the following: food, shows, classes, auctions and other activities, merchandise, All participants agree to hold harmless and indemnify SingStrong, Inc. and all their partners, shareholders, staff, volunteers, agents and assigns from any and all claims, including but not limited to personal injury, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, false light, violation of publicity or privacy, slander or libel, which may arise in connection with any SingStrong-related events.
This agreement, including all the TERMS of ticket purchase and use of the website as mentioned herein, and the Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form, all as hereby incorporated by reference, is the final, complete agreement for volunteering and supersedes any oral or other agreements.
You understand that SingStrong, like any large gathering with adults, minors and young adults, has some inherent dangers -including personal injury or loss of property due to theft or negligence- and you agree to assume all risks without limitation. You agree to a full and complete release of all claims arising in connection with SingStrong the festival and SingStrong Inc.. You agree never to sue SingStrong Inc., its personnel, board, partners, the schools it works with and/or for, its volunteers, agents or assigns, for any reason. In any event, you agree that the maximum amount of damages which could ever be owed to you by any defendant is limited to the cost of a Weekend Pass. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless SingStrong Inc., its personnel, board, partners, the schools it works with and/or for, its volunteers, agents or assigns from all damages and from any and all costs or legal fees. You agree that in any event, any and all claims must be brought within one calendar year based on the terms hereby incorporated by reference, and that following one year, any and all claims under any theory of liability are time-barred, null, void and of no force and effect.
Photography or recording at concerts or classes by you is not allowed unless an announcement is made that such recording is permissible, or you are directed to do so by a SingStrong producer. You agree that all rights, including copyright, to any photos, videos or other recordings made by anyone, including you, of any concert or class or other SingStrong event belong wholly and entirely to SingStrong Inc. and SingStrong Inc. may use, copy, distribute, sell or alter such images or recordings in any way without any payment, credit or notification to you. If you are under 18 years of age, you warrant and affirm that you have the permission of your parent or guardian to volunteer for SingStrong and their approval to enter into this contract and accept its terms.
Finally, you promise to bring warmth, joy and positive energy to SingStrong!
We know you have a busy schedule and we are very grateful that you’ve decided to donate your time, energy and talent to SingStrong! We NEED you! Thank you so much! Please read the entire packet carefully as it contains important instructions, information, legal and other materials. It was last updated on October 26, 2022.
SingStrong is a weekend-long, charity a cappella music festival. SingStrong DC began in 2009. SingStrong Chicago began in 2013. SingStrong New York began in 2016. And our SingStrongX Program began in 2016. Our proceeds go to support music programs and the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. Over the years, our performers have come from all over the world (US, Austria, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Venezuela, Taiwan and beyond). Our goal is to further the arts and especially a cappella music, all while raising money for these important causes. SingStrong is a Public Charity.
Be Warm and Courteous To Everyone!
This is a very, very big deal: YOU are the face of SingStrong! Your non-stop positive energy turns this event from a concert to a community. Leave a lasting impression of kindness on every person you interact with this weekend. Smile at friends and strangers. Make eye contact. Use respectful language. Ask if you can help. Ask how it's going. The kindness and warmth that comes from you will leave a stronger, more lasting impression than an entire concert of beautifully sung music!
Protect Your Emotional Health
You may interact with people who are upset, irritable or even pushy. Sometimes they have good reason. Sometimes not. Relax. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY TO YOU, don’t get caught up in their emotional state. Just remain calm and polite. Let them peaceably vent, and after they are done, just say, as calmly as you can, “Your issue sounds very important. I want to make sure you speak to the right person about this.” Then usher the person to someone higher up the chain of command. In other words, let your supervisor deal with it. (Make sure you know who your supervisor is. If you aren't sure, ask at the information desk or ask a producer.) If you ever feel threatened, uncomfortable or frightened, get out of the situation immediately and seek a supervisor.
Protect Your Physical Health
Nothing is more important than your health! Volunteering involves physical activity. Get your doctor’s and parents’ approval before doing potentially physically demanding activities, like SingStrong. If you have any concerns, or physical restrictions, let a supervisor know before engaging in physical activities. Never lift anything without assistance. Never lift an object which you even suspect might be too heavy for you. Never lift anything without loose fitting or stretchy clothes that you cannot trip over and cannot get caught in or on other objects, and sneakers or other protective, closed toed shoes with good grips. Always judge for yourself whether a situation presents any danger. In and around the stage area, it may be pitch-black, and there may be items, electrical, sound or lighting cords, or wires strewn about on the ground or jutting out, so please be careful! If you feel dizzy or feint, alert SingStrong staff immediately and cease any physical activity.
Protect the Physical Health of Others
The world changed in 2020 with the pandemic. As we have gotten used to a "new normal", We are doing our best to manage the safety of all attendees while still respecting each person's personal choices regarding risk-taking. Some of us are immunocompromised. Some have immunocompromised or unvaccinated family members at home. We all manage risks in our own way. At an a cappella festival filled with singing, beatboxing and projected speaking, those risks are likely increased.
Please understand that you are not simply an individual making personal decisions when you volunteer at SingStrong. You are a representative of a charity. First and foremost, you agree to follow whatever safety protocols SingStrong puts into effect at the time of the festival. We outline what we expect them to be in this agreement, but we also reserve the right to change them as facts change. Government guidance, regulations at our host site, and new variants are just some of the factors we will keep monitoring.
If anyone asks you to put on a mask, you agree to cheerfully put it on for the duration of your interaction with them.
You also agree to keep your mask fully over your nose and mouth at such times and in any area designated as "mask mandatory", either by sign or by SingStrong Producer.
We will ALWAYS meet the health requirements established by governing bodies as well as the requirements of our venue space. In addition, we will take into account recommended but not mandated protocols. Our general plan is to require masking in some areas, but not others, though we do strongly recommend masking with an N95, KN95 or KF94 or equivalent, or better, at all times for all persons. A class, concert or coaching might be designated mask-mandatory or mask-optional. This allows people to control a key element of their own risk-taking during much of their attendance. For those who only want a mask-on experience, they can have it. For those that don't want that all day long, they have options too. And all concerts will require masking for volunteers and the audience, but it will be optional for performers or emcees while on stage. This approach emulates what Broadway and Carnegie Hall are doing, and we think it's a fair balance. We also RECOMMEND that every SingStrong Volunteer or staff member be double-vaccinated and fully boosted, to the fullest extent permitted for the age and location of the person.
We currently intend to require each person to provide proof of a negative rapid test, taken within one hour PRIOR TO entering on each day, and also before attending each afterglow.
We require that all attendees be symptom-free, even if they test negative.
We plan to spot-check test results and vaccination status. (It's like being selected for a pat down at the airport, just without the pat down part).
We will also provide air purification enhancements. And we'll encourage and assist in good hand hygiene. Below you will find specific terms.
If you feel sick or show signs of infection, you cannot attend or volunteer at the festival or enter the festival site, EVEN IF YOU OBTAIN A NEGATIVE RAPID TEST. Simply call or email any SingStrong managing personnel or producer. Because individuals often feel symptoms or show signs of COVID-19 before testing positive, SingStrong prohibits anyone with cold, flu or allergy symptoms which are in any way similar to COVID-19 signs or symptoms from attending the festival. We also prohibit anyone experiencing any sign or symptom of any other contagious disease from attending. To avoid any doubt, if you are experiencing ANY of the following symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious disease, you agree not to attend the festival or enter the festival site:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Undiagnosed rash, pustules
Nothing in this section shall prevent the attendance of any individual whose specific and unchanged symptoms or signs are diagnosed by a doctor as being non-contagious at the time of entering the event site.
Each volunteer shall maintain their own safety plan for safely isolating AT THEIR OWN COST off-site and NOT in a shared volunteer room, in the event of a positive test result or symptoms/signs of contagious infection. all individuals who MIGHT test positive on a rapid test or are otherwise identified as COVID-positive, (or otherwise have a transmissible disease). You agree to provide necessary room or transportation at your own cost and with any needed adult supervision, transportation and care to monitor and care for yourself if, due to ANY REASON including infection, you must be off site. For the safety of all attendees, SingStrong won't allow anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or other contagious diseases, or who displays signs or symptoms of infection, to enter the festival site or to remain at the festival site.
Each SingStrong volunteer or staff must show a 100% negative result on a CDC-approved Rapid Test taken no more than ONE hour prior to entering SingStrong festival area EACH DAY of festival attendance and again no more than one hour before attending any AFTERGLOW.
For avoidance of doubt, each volunteer or staff attending the Friday set-up at noon would test no earlier than 11AM. If that same person also attended the afterglow that night at 11:30PM, they would each test again, no earlier than 10:30PM. If that same group set-up Saturday at 7AM, each member would test again no earlier than 6AM. And if they attended the Saturday night AFTERGLOW at 11:30PM, they would each test again, no earlier than 10:30PM. If that same person returned for set-up at 9AM Sunday, each member would test again no earlier than 8AM on Sunday. Any attendee planning to attend all those events would test 5 times.
Why do we require so many rapid tests?
Because rapid tests are good at revealing present positivity, but can't predict the future. Current variants of the coronavirus can progress from negative test result to contagious at an extremely fast rate.
Most persons have access to free or low-cost tests through government programs, drugstore programs, work or school. For any volunteer or staff member who finds obtaining tests to be a financial burden, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible and we will make accommodations for you to obtain free or low-cost tests.
Volunteers MUST supply all necessary rapid antigen tests at their own cost. Tests are not provided by SingStrong or the event site. Rapid tests may be available at local drugstores, however, both supply and demand can change very quickly so that availability is not guaranteed. You agree to stockpile the necessary number of tests in advance so that you have the tests you need to attend your desired events.
Volunteers and staff will take a photo of ALL their test results with the photo showing the name of the person tested and the date and time of the results. The volunteer or staff shall provide SingStrong access to review these photos on request and shall keep the digital photos on their person at all times for review by any SingStrong Producer or their assigns.
You agree that SingStrong is not subject to HIPAA. Further you agree that if any court or arbitrator finds that SingStrong is subject to HIPAA for any purpose, or that SingStrong is otherwise required to obtain your permission for its use of your personally identifiable information and/or medical information, you do hereby knowingly give your approval for SingStrong to review and retain any medical information or other personally identifying information which you provide to us or allow to be provided to us by others, for the limited purposes of 1) assisting SingStrong in mitigating medical risks at the festival; 2) allowing SingStrong to administrate the festival; 3) facilitating communications with you regarding SingStrong or a cappella-related events. You agree to the data protections afforded by standard email protocols in the sending of emails at the time of sending, or filling out of digital forms, and you agree to the data protections of texts or SMS protocols in the sending of texts or SMS messages, as applicable. If at any time, you are uncomfortable with any data protection offered, you may request an alternative method of communication or data storage and one will be provided. You may also request the deletion of your records at any time following the festival and SingStrong shall attempt to comply to the degree of its control over its digital and other storage.
The intended masking protocols are as follows, but SingStrong will set policy regarding masking based on all available safety information at festival time.
CONCERTS AUDIENCE: Masks will be mandatory for attendees in the audience at concerts, including volunteers and staff.
CONCERTS ON STAGE: Masks will be optional for performers on stage at concerts.
CONCERTS BACKSTAGE: Masks will be mandatory for all staff and volunteers in common areas backstage or in wings at concerts, with the exception of performers about to go on stage.
PRIVATE DRESSING ROOMS: Masks will be optional for all persons in their own private dressing rooms.
SHARED DRESSING ROOMS: Masks will be mandatory in shared dressing rooms unless no person in the room objects to mask-optional.
CLASSES, COACHINGS IF NOTED MASK MANDATORY: Masks will be mandatory for ALL at SOME classes and SOME coachings (where requested by presenter).
CLASSES, COACHINGS IF NOTED MASK OPTIONAL: Masks will be optional at SOME classes and coachings.
AFTERGLOWS: Masks will be optional since there will be eating and drinking.
You Must Read and Agree to All the TERMS as if you were a PAID attendee
You MUST read and agree to all the terms of this agreement AND all terms posted at this link on the day you begin volunteering: http://newyork.singstrong.org/terms-ticketing-tos-privacy.html
These terms apply to you and your behavior at the festival. They are are also useful to you so you know how to advise attendees who may have questions. If there is any conflict between terms or interpretation, the terms most advantageous to SingStrong shall control, as solely determined by SingStrong Inc.
You’re here to help! That means offering assistance wherever you can. But you will also have specific duties which are your primary assignment. Once you have finished with those duties, then let us know that you are available to help. And if you ever need help with anything, just ask!
You will also be a source of information for hundreds of attendees. So please make sure you can provide:
- location of classrooms
- location of concerts
- location of bathrooms
- the complete schedule
- the soundcheck schedule
- the shuttle schedule
- Location of food and water
To keep you safe, we require you to wear clothes mentioned under “Protect Your Body”. You may even wish to bring gloves to better protect your hands if they are sensitive. Dress, when not doing physical activity, is casual, but professional. Keep in mind that this is a family event, keep it rated-G, and use your best judgment. Jeans and a nice top or even a SingStrong T-Shirt or Sweatshirt are appropriate choices. Please do not push the boundaries of taste with the tightness or skimpiness of an outfit. Please also avoid "outside" messages in support of, or opposing other causes, even worthy ones. It's important to keep people focused on SingStrong.
Please ask us if we have FREE "Team SingStrong" Volunteer shirts for you. Please ask if we have a volunteer name tag or badge for you. If we have these, please always wear them when interacting with the public. That way people know that you're on the team!
Report Fire, Police or Medical Emergencies FIRST by CALLING 911; then report the incident as soon as possible to a SingStrong supervisor.
Who Goes Where?
All Performing Artists, Competitors, VIPs and Volunteers must be greeted with a smile and guided to check-in at Registration.
Only Performers (and their assistants), working Volunteers, and Producers are allowed backstage. Fans must be gently and respectfully denied access to this area.
Ticket System
Please familiarize yourself with how the ticket system works at your festival. Where can tickets be purchased? Where can they be picked up? Where do performers get passes? Usually, Will-Call/Box Office has all pre-purchased tickets for the general public. And SOMETIMES Artists, VIPs, ACA-Idol and HS Competitors may go to a separate area to pick-up their tickets. But please make sure you know the answer for your festival.
One thing to remember: Even sold-out shows have people who do not show up, so please tell people to arrive early for a chance to purchase tickets, even to to Sold-Out events.
Yes! We DO accept donations, and we do work with sponsors. Donations via check can be made out to SingStrong Inc. If someone shows interest, please get that person's name and contact information and give it to a producer, or just bring that person to a producer. SingStrong Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) Public Charity and a New York-based not-for -profit corporation.
Social Media
If you post or share, you agree to follow our 3 rules for all Social Media:
- 100% true.
- 100% positive.
- 100% yours.
100% true means be completely sure that what you post is completely accurate.
100% positive means that we're asking you to help lift UP all the singers, groups, volunteers, teachers and attendees. Don't take it on yourself to be critical. Share that privately with a supervisor or producer.
100% yours means don't post or share anything that isn't yours, or for which you don't have permission.
Important Legal Rights
By volunteering, and by accepting any benefits such as access to the event, publicity, food, clothing, merchandise or otherwise, which all parties agree is of value, all participants and volunteers agree that:
All volunteers will abide by the instructions they receive from SingStrong supervisory personnel and the supervisory personnel of the host school.
SingStrong may use the name, life story, and likeness of any volunteer or participant or other supporting persons to promote a cappella generally, to promote a cappella or charity events, or to promote SingStrong Inc. or any of our concerts, programs, materials, partners or affiliates.
SingStrong or its assigns may record you or anyone we reasonably believe you represent (such as a child, fellow group member, etc., unless you tell us otherwise in writing) in analog or digital video, photography, audio or by any other means, for archival, promotional, or commercial distribution or performance purposes, whether digital or analog, whereby all proceeds, if any, shall be paid to producer, producer's affiliate, assign or partner or a not-for-profit organization.
You agree to and accept all TERMS posted on our website just as if you had purchased a ticket to attend SingStrong and agreed to all the terms of doing so. If there is any conflict between the terms of the website and the terms you are reading now, the ones that are most favorable to SingStrong and most restrictive to you are the ones that control.
You agree that you have read, understood and agreed to the Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form.
In exchange for some discounted or free access to one or more of the following: food, shows, classes, auctions and other activities, merchandise, All participants agree to hold harmless and indemnify SingStrong, Inc. and all their partners, shareholders, staff, volunteers, agents and assigns from any and all claims, including but not limited to personal injury, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, false light, violation of publicity or privacy, slander or libel, which may arise in connection with any SingStrong-related events.
This agreement, including all the TERMS of ticket purchase and use of the website as mentioned herein, and the Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form, all as hereby incorporated by reference, is the final, complete agreement for volunteering and supersedes any oral or other agreements.
You understand that SingStrong, like any large gathering with adults, minors and young adults, has some inherent dangers -including personal injury or loss of property due to theft or negligence- and you agree to assume all risks without limitation. You agree to a full and complete release of all claims arising in connection with SingStrong the festival and SingStrong Inc.. You agree never to sue SingStrong Inc., its personnel, board, partners, the schools it works with and/or for, its volunteers, agents or assigns, for any reason. In any event, you agree that the maximum amount of damages which could ever be owed to you by any defendant is limited to the cost of a Weekend Pass. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless SingStrong Inc., its personnel, board, partners, the schools it works with and/or for, its volunteers, agents or assigns from all damages and from any and all costs or legal fees. You agree that in any event, any and all claims must be brought within one calendar year based on the terms hereby incorporated by reference, and that following one year, any and all claims under any theory of liability are time-barred, null, void and of no force and effect.
Photography or recording at concerts or classes by you is not allowed unless an announcement is made that such recording is permissible, or you are directed to do so by a SingStrong producer. You agree that all rights, including copyright, to any photos, videos or other recordings made by anyone, including you, of any concert or class or other SingStrong event belong wholly and entirely to SingStrong Inc. and SingStrong Inc. may use, copy, distribute, sell or alter such images or recordings in any way without any payment, credit or notification to you. If you are under 18 years of age, you warrant and affirm that you have the permission of your parent or guardian to volunteer for SingStrong and their approval to enter into this contract and accept its terms.
Finally, you promise to bring warmth, joy and positive energy to SingStrong!