Team SingStrong
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I Want To Volunteer!
Social Media Usage Rules
SingStrongDC History
2010 SingStrongDC2010
Artist Checklist
Volunteer Orientation Agreement
Sexual Harassment Policy
Acknowledgement of Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form
Donor Privacy
Board of Directors
Form 990
Key Staff
Volunteer Schedule
DC Classes, Concerts, Coachings Schedule
DC Soundchecks
DC Procedures
Net Access
DC Map of School
Auction Accounting
Please fill out this form to agree to the terms required of ALL volunteers at SingStrong
Indicates required field
Select YOUR SingStrong
The surface of the sun. (DO NOT PICK THIS ONE)
New York
Choose One
I do NOT agree to the terms in the orientation. I cannot volunteer at SingStrong.
I AGREE to ALL the terms in the volunteer orientation and the terms required of all attendees, and I am 18 years old or older, or I have my parents' permission to agree. I CAN volunteer at SingStrong!
Choose Any
I have received digitally or in print, the Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint Form ( )
Check the Box if True
I read and understood and agree to the Terms required of ticket purchasers ( ) and I know they apply equally to me as a volunteer
Regarding Medical Conditions or Needs
There are no medical conditions or needs that SingStrong staff or emergency providers need to know about.
I DO have a medical need or condition that SingStrong staff or emergency providers should be aware of and I will tell you about it in the box below.
Option 3
Medical Needs or Conditions I Wish to Share
Check the Box If True
I understand that managing my medical needs is solely my own responsibility. I authorize SingStrong staff to utilize ANY information provided on this form, together or separately, to assist me or any medical providers or emergency responders. I authorize this information to be shared freely among any personnel that might be called upon to help ensure safety in relation to SingStrong, including volunteers, first responders, health care providers, pharmacies or otherwise. I authorize these records to be kept until such time as I request in writing to the then President of SingStrong Inc, that the records be deleted. I accept the privacy and data security TERMS applicable to all attendees at SingStrong and I understand that they apply to the data provided on this form, including the limited MEDICAL information I may or may not choose to provide. I also understand that I am free to share or DECLINE to share any medical information and that this choice is mine alone. I also understand that I can choose to share my information in other ways if I prefer to, and I will initiate such requests on my own, if I choose to.
Food Allergies and Sensitivities
I have no food sensitivities or allergies
I have a food sensitivity or allergy that I will tell you about in the box below
Option 3
Food allergies or sensitivities I Wish to Share
Check the Box If True
I understand that managing my dietary needs and food sensitivities and allergies is my sole responsibility.
By typing your name, you are digitally signing. your AGREEMENT to ALL TERMS
Volunteer Title
If your position has a title like Merch Master, Info Desk Coordinator or Stage Manager, please enter it here. If not, you may leave this field blank.
Cel Phone
Please enter your cel phone if you have one. We will not sell your information to spammers.
Please enter your email. We will not share your information with spammers.
I am available to Volunteer
All Weekend
All Weekend EXCEPT times written below
The only times I cannot volunteer are
Upload Professional/Fun Headshot for inclusion on Website and/or other Publicly Available Means
Max file size: 20MB
Short Bio for Inclusion on our website and/or other Publicly Available Means